Store Design For Women

I walked into a bookstore last week.
There was a beautiful,
eye-catching arrangement of
bestselling novels.

It was beautiful
but not functional.
A very popular romance novel
was placed at the top.
I wanted this novel.
I didn’t buy it.
Because I couldn’t reach it.
Judging by the number of copies,
I wasn’t the only one.

Romance readers tend to be women
(78% are women).
Women are, on average, shorter than men
(5′ 3.8″ vs 5′ 9.3″).
Put the romance novels lower on the shelf.

Are your female targeted products
lower on the shelf
(but not too low
as women are less likely to bend over)?
Do your bottles
fit in smaller hands?
Can the packaging 
be lifted by shorter arms?
Product design for women
isn’t simply about the color.