Blogoversary Thoughts

Today is my one year blogoversary
on this new domain name.
(As some of my readers know,
I guest blogged for a few years
on the now defunct Road To Forbes domain.)

What have I learned over this past year?

The blog business has gotten tougher.
It used to be that you could write some posts,
ping technorati, and
watch the traffic come in.

Not any more.
Too much competition.

This is a normal part of the product cycle.
Usually around this stage,
you’ll see a clear split
between the have’s and the have not’s
Eventually the gap widens so much,
it becomes a barrier to entry.

1 comment

  1. Congratulations on your one-year blogversary, and on the recent book release. I am happy I found this blog.. it’s one I make a point to always read. I love the unique format you write in, and I find the messages good food for thought.

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