Giving Prospects An Out

I was approached to train some volunteers.
The interaction with the co-ordinator
went something like this.

“Could you do the training,
that is, unless you’re too busy.”
“Sure, I’m not too busy.” (A lie)

“If you don’t want to, I’d understand.”
“I want to.”

“Don’t feel like you have to say yes.”
“I’m not that nice of a person.”

“If the weather is bad and you have to cancel,
I won’t get upset.”
“If the weather is bad, I’ll leave earlier to get there on time.”

The conversation went on and on
until I wanted to cancel
so it would stop.

So many salespeople do this with their prospects.
They try to talk them out of the sale.
This isn’t being “nice”,
this is being irritating.

Once the customer says ‘yes’,
stop talking.

Categorized as Sales