Saying No

As time is limited,
saying no to some projects is a must. 

Is that a bad thing? 

As Peter de Jager in
So?  You’re A Manager… Now What?
“While saying ‘no’ is not
what management or clients want to hear,
it gains credibility and respect
when combined with a perfect track record
for always delivering when you said ‘yes.'” 

If you say ‘no’ when you need to,
your clients will believe you
when you say ‘yes’. 


  1. It seems like it took you a day to realise the lesson learned from yesterday’s blog:
    > I was asked to make an impromptu presentation… and I ended up looking like a complete jack a$$.
    Hmm, you should have said ‘no’.
    It’s great to see that there are always learning opportunities. Especially for senior corporate execs.
    PS. Love the blog. It’s like “wisdom condensed” – good guidance for us aspiring corporate types. Keep it up.

  2. Yep, I should have.
    If I had known I hadn’t all the facts,
    I certainly would have.

    As for learning,
    I learn something new every single day.
    I, unfortunately, also make at least one mistake
    every single day.

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