Speaking The Truth

When I say I’m going to do something,
I do it.  
A male high school English teacher of mine
ridiculed romance novels. 
I stood up in front of the class and
said that I’d write a romance some day. 
In May, almost 20 years later,
my first romance novel will be published. 

Keeping their word is a sign of all great business leaders. 

Robin Sharma in The Greatness Guide says
“The Merchants of Wow among us understand
that a person’s word is their bond. 
And that every promise kept builds credibility,
the foundation of trust. 
So make the commitment to be impeccable with your word.” 


  1. Thats great news.
    I am happy for you.

    We can all learn a lot from your persistence.


  2. Thanks Elisha!

    Ciara Gold, an award winning author,
    told me today that the rejections we gather before publishing
    prepare us for the harsh reviews after
    so I have a bit of a road left to journey.

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