In Case Of Emergency

If there’s an emergency
in your area
your business
doesn’t have patrons
it must continue to serve
(i.e. it isn’t housing people
or treating people),
close your business
for the day,
pay your employees
for that day
allow them to go home
and be with their loved ones.

If you can’t afford
to do that,
your business isn’t viable.

You are responsible
for your employees
during emergencies.

If they die
or get hurt
on the job,
you could and SHOULD
get sued into the ground.

And the odds they’ll be hurt

Because your employees
aren’t focusing on their jobs
or your business.

They’re worrying about loved ones
and getting home.

And they are resenting
your business
for causing them
additional stress.

That will come back
to bite you in the a$$
in ways you’ll likely
never fully realize.

Don’t be an a$$hat.

Send employees home
during emergencies.

If They Aren’t Listening, Stop Talking

A loved one
calls every day
to ask me
to ask someone else
to do things
for her.

I’ve told her
numerous times
to leave that someone else
a message.

She doesn’t listen.

And I’ve realized
she will NEVER listen.

So I’ve stopped saying anything.

I’ve also stopped
relaying messages for her.

I listen
and then I ignore her requests.

That has made life
much easier for me.

And surprisingly
she still manages
to get the loved one
to complete her many tasks.

When people aren’t listening
to you,
stop talking.

Leave that energy
for some other task.

The Price Of Success

I recently changed my lifestyle
and, as a result of that change,
I’ve lost a lot of weight.

A loved one joked
that another loved one
shouldn’t mess with me
because if I can lose weight,
I can do anything.

Success in…anything
is difficult.

Once you’ve accomplished success
and that success
is known,
you’ll scare the sh*t
out of many people.

Be prepared
for relationships
to change
and for people
to act differently
around you.

All that is part
of any success,
small or great.

Customers Know

I’m winding down
the romance writing business
but my pen name
hasn’t told anyone.

The pen name
hasn’t told readers
or my editor
or fellow writers.

No one should know.

I’ve been receiving
semi-frantic requests
for minor character stories
from readers.

They somehow know.

Your customers pay
closer attention
to what you’re doing or feeling
you likely think.

Assume your ‘secrets’
won’t remain secrets
for very long.

Make decisions
and tailor your communications
to reflect that.

Brain Not Required Work

Last night,
I hit the wall

My brain was
Nothing was happening
up there.

But I still had energy
and I had time.

So I completed
that didn’t require any thought.

I shredded confidential

I shared social media posts
writing buddies
had crafted
to help them sell books.

I organized
the tax file.

I put some mailing

Those tasks had to be completed
but I had saved them
for times like last night,
times when my brain
wasn’t working properly.

Save some
no-thought-required tasks
for when you are past
the point of thinking.

Tell Someone They’re Doing A Good Job

If you want to
change a life today,
tell someone
they’re doing a good job.

That someone
could be the cashier
at the grocery store
the delivery person
handing you the package
you’ve been waiting for
the barista
making your coffee
for you
someone else.

Look them in the eye
and solemnly tell them,
“You’re doing a good job.
You know that,

Because odds are…
they DON’T know that,
they rarely, if ever,
they’re doing a good job,
and they NEED to hear it.

A good job
is very different
from a great job.

A great job
exceeds expectations
and should always be
commented on.

But a good job
is often sufficient.
And it deserves
from time to time also.

Tell someone
they’re doing a good job.

Delegating And Perfection

I’m extremely busy
right now
so I asked a loved one
to help me
with my holiday shopping.

Did he get
the exact presents
I would have gotten?

But he did d@mn well
and I think our loved ones
will love the gifts.

When you delegate tasks,
they won’t ever
be completed
exactly the way
you would have completed them.

Embrace that.
Accept that.

Then move on.

Complete Tasks In Advance

Whenever I have a spare
couple of minutes,
I craft another post
for client k
and schedule it
for the future.

I can modify that post
and/or reschedule it
at any time.

I can even delete it
if the situation changes
or I receive new information.

But the post is there
and ready.

Which is good
because we’re moving into
my busiest time
of the year.

And I will need
all the extra moments
I can get

I suspect we’re moving into
a busy time
for you also.

Complete as many tasks
as you can

Your future self
will thank you.

Counting On Insurance Coverage

A buddy counted on
insurance covering
any lawsuits
his business experienced.

Then he lost
his insurance coverage.

Because his physical store is
situated in
a frequently flooded area.

He’s hustling to incorporate

It is a huge mess,
and every day
his business isn’t incorporated
is a day
when all his personal assets,
his personal home and pension,
are at risk.

Climate change
is slamming the insurance companies.
They are aggressively
canceling contracts.

We can’t count on insurance

Ensure the risks
to you
and your business
are covered
in some other way.

Confidence Vs Arrogance

As business builders,
we all need

We need confidence
to sell our products.

We need confidence
to convince people
to partner with us,
to give us business loans,
to take a chance
on a new-to-them business.

But there is a huge difference

I think of arrogance
as the assumption
the laws,
whether they are
society’s laws,
the laws of nature,
the laws of human interactions
or something other than that,
don’t apply to us.

Arrogant people
tell themselves
they are exceptions.
Those laws are
for ‘other people.’

They don’t have to pay taxes,
for example,
because they’re smarter than other people
or more worthy
or more powerful.

That arrogance is often
their downfall.

(Do NOT f*ck with
the tax people.
They will mess you up.)

Be confident.
But keep your arrogance
in check.