Be Present

In the room I write (i.e. work) in,
I have one phone.
It is a corded phone
positioned far from my desktop computer.

When I take phone meetings,
I print my notes before the meeting
and bring them to that phone.
I’m completely unplugged,
completely engaged,
completely present,
and the people in the meeting notice.


Because being present is now rare.
It is a heady feeling
to sit down with anyone,
especially a busy important person,
and have 100% of her attention,
have her not look at her phone once,
have her focus on us.

Being present,
being unplugged,
is an easy, no-brainer way
to make someone feel they’re special.

Use it with clients, with bosses,
with loved ones.

Erika Napoletano talks about
the new rules of social business.

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