Customers Who Care

I love this post from Seth Godin
The Cycle of Customers Who Care

Here is a snippet
(the entire post is wonderful)

“The first step is
people who care
making a product for
people who care.

The second step is
people who care
making a product for
people who don’t care.

And the third step,
so difficult to avoid,
is that the growing organization
starts hiring people,
not necessarily people who care,
to grow their ever-industrializing company.
And since they are servicing customers
who don’t care,
those employees who don’t care
can get away with it (for a while).”

It is very difficult to skip steps
which is why
many experts recommend
entrepreneurs focus on the niche customer
and not the average customer.
Niche customers care.
The average customer doesn’t care.

Build your first products
for people who care.