Disconnecting From Reality

My Boomer Mom carefully curates
everything she sees and hears.

She doesn’t want unhappy news
so she deliberately
filters it out.

She lives in
a happy alternative world
where war and pandemics
and climate change
aren’t threats.

She is vaguely aware they exist
but she doesn’t believe
they will impact her
and she doesn’t want
to hear about them.

She’s not alone
in doing this.

As the world becomes
more and more challenging,
more people will try
to disconnect from it.

As business builders,
we don’t have that luxury.

Remaining connected
to the world
and to reality
will be key
to our success.

Resist the urge
to disconnect from reality.

The Possibility Of World War III And Building A Business

I’ve discussed many
of the other external threats
currently facing humankind
and our budding businesses.

Why haven’t I
discussed the possibility
of World War III
and its impact
on our businesses?

That’s because
there isn’t much more
we can do to prepare
for a world war
than what we’re already doing
to deal
with the pandemics
and climate change.

We build our businesses
to operate
without a lot of employees.

We consider storing
extra supplies.

We build systems
so our customers
can order directly from us
and, if at all possible,
they can order from their homes.

We might also consider
how we would react
if our businesses were forced
to temporarily shut down.

And we hope
World War III doesn’t happen.

Yes, the rich
tend to get richer
during times of war.

But small businesses
are usually decimated.

For Their Health

A buddy in the the travel business
told me
they are seeing an increase
in bookings for vacations
for ‘mental health reasons.’

The world is a mess.
People are under
a lot of stress due to that.

They are searching
for ways
to decrease that stress.

Does your product/service
decrease stress?

Does it offer an escape?
Does it take some of the workload
off people?
Does it make their lives easier?

Stress that
in your marketing material.

Encourage prospects
to buy your products/services
‘for their mental health.’

There’s a growing need
for that.