The Perfect Business

I know an aspiring business builder
who is searching for
the ‘perfect business.’

She has a long list
of attributes
this business must have.

It must have the ability
to be run
out of her home.

But it also has
to have face-to-face
interactions with customers.

It must give her income

But it has to require
NO start up funds.

The products have
to be handmade.

But she doesn’t want
to hire employees
or spend much time
making these products.

The list seems endless.

And I believe it is an excuse
NOT to build a business.

She likes the dreaming part,
not the doing part.

There is no perfect business.

If you’re waiting for perfection,
you’ll be waiting forever.

Being Great At Your Job Won’t Save It

There’s a myth
in society
that doing a great job,
that caring,
that working really hard
for an employer
will give us
job security.

I don’t think
that myth EVER reflected reality
but it certainly
doesn’t reflect reality today.

As we discussed yesterday,
salespeople are losing their jobs
because they are landing huge deals,
because they are doing their jobs
TOO well.

Doing our jobs terribly
will likely result
in being let go also.

As would doing our jobs not stellar,
not terribly,
but just well enough.

There is NO job security.

We should assume
we’re daily workers.

Negotiate for the highest
base salary we can.
Use the benefits immediately.
Do the things we want to do
through the employer
as soon as possible.

Save, if we can,
for the jobless days ahead of us.
Invest in financial vehicles,
in our own side businesses,
in ourselves.

Have an identity outside of the job.

Put YOURSELF first,
far ahead of your employer.

We no longer have job security
through an employer.

But we CAN have life security.
Focus on achieving THAT goal.