Support Your Neighbors

If you’re starting
a new business
in a neighborhood,
buy as much as you can
from local businesses.

Get your coffee
from the coffee shop
on the corner.

Buy your morning bagel
from a different restaurant
in the neighborhood.

Ask a neighbor
which electrician
she uses.

Buy your printer paper
from the local office supply place.

Yes, it will cost
a little bit more
but it should pay off
in connections.

Communities tend
to support their own.

Become ‘their own’
as soon as possible
by being seen
supporting the places
THEY support.

Neighborhood Relations

If you’re starting
a business
with a physical location,
whether that business
is a taco truck,
an Airbnb
or something else,
having a good relationship
with your neighbors
is important.

It can mean
the difference
between your business
or failing.

Because neighbors
can make your life
absolute he77.

They can call the city
about perceived or real
coding violations.

They can call the police
about noise issues.

They can bad talk
your business
to potential customers.

They can block your driveway.

And do a thousand
other things
that will take your time
to resolve
and cost you money
and customers.

Introduce yourself
to your neighbors.

Give them something
as an apology
in advance for any inconveniences.

Of course,
offer them a ‘special’ discount
with your business.

And keep them informed.

You NEED your neighbors
to be
on your side.

Or, at the very least,
you want them to be

This will
make or break
your business.

Delivering On Optional Goods Or Services

I was offered
the services of a dietitian.

It would be free
for me
but paid for by the government.

I accepted that offer.

An appointment over the phone
was arranged.

The dietitian never called.

I completed tasks
while waiting for the call
that never came.

But I had rearranged
my schedule
to be at home.

The next time,
I’ll say no
to a dietitian consultation.

Optional products or services
are just that – optional.

or customers won’t invest in them

There WILL Be Spoilers

I warn readers
there WILL be spoilers
about my newly released stories.

If they want to avoid
the spoilers,
they should pre-order the story.

I know there will be spoilers posted
because I design my stories
to be talked about.

Spoilers are a side effect
of a product launch
product designers should want.

We WANT customers
to rave to others
about our products and services.

During those raves,
too much information
will be shared.
That’s human nature.

So I account for that.
I offer a way
for spoiler-haters
to avoid spoilers
(pre-ordering the story).

And I ensure
the stories provide happiness
even if they are spoiled.
The magic isn’t
in the surprises.

We WANT spoilers
to be posted
about our products/services.

Design those products/services
to prompt spoilers
and to provide satisfaction
if…when those spoilers happen.