It Is Not Fear Mongering

Some loved ones
are telling me
I’m ‘fear mongering’
regarding the threat
of denaturalization.

Stephen Miller,
Trump’s senior advisor,
on Twitter
that they will ‘turbocharge’
in 2025.

It isn’t fear mongering
if the threat
is bluntly issued
by people
with the authority
to enact that threat.

People in leadership positions
don’t ‘muse’ about
harming people
on public platforms.

That’s a
legitimate f*ckin’ threat.

If someone says
they will harm you,
believe them.

And take action
to ensure
that harm is minimized.

Keep Your Genealogy Records

The Fascists (Republican Party)
in the US
are openly talking about

That’s the stripping
of citizenship
from citizens.

One day,
people are American citizens.

The next day,
these same people will be country-less.

And they could be ‘deported’
to random countries.

You can bet
all your startup funds
Fascists in other countries
(like the Conservatives in Canada)
want to do this also.

Which means
we are all at risk
of being deported,
whether we were born
in our current citizenship country
or not.

We should
be prepared for that
if it happens.

That means getting
our genealogy records
in order.

We should have copies
of birth certificates
and marriage certificates
for our parents,
as far back
as possible.

The goal is to have ‘proof’
we have a tie
to another country.

That will increase the odds
we will be allowed
to stay in that country.

Sh*t is getting ugly.
Prepare for the ugliness now.