We’re Not Running Out Of Humans

There is a big push
right now
to ‘put women back in their place’
and that place
seems to be in the home,
under complete control of men,
having babies
and following orders.

One of the arguments
for this movement
birth rates are down.
We’re running out of people.

Which is complete

Birth rates might be down
in little pockets of the world.
But we are NOT running out of humans.

We are averaging
401,300 births a day
158,686 deaths a day
on a planet
with limits,
limits we’ve surpassed.

We have WAY too many humans
(which is why, I suspect,
our leaders are doing nothing
to stop the multiple pandemics
happening right now).

If you have a choice
between having kids
and building a business,
choose the option
that brings you the most happiness.

For me,
that is and always will be
building a business.

I am child free
and super happy to be child free.

I am also, ironically,
often surrounded by children
and I’m happy for that also.

Make the decision
that is right for you.