You’re Not Average

I posted a fact about
how the average husband
creates more housework
than he does.

I got some expected pushback.
Some husbands told me
they did more housework
than their significant others.

No one who reads
this blog
is average.
No one.
We’re doers.
Doers do.
And doers usually do housework.

Which means
there are husbands
who do MUCH less
or no housework.
That’s why
the average is so high.

If facts about
the average person
you identify with
cause unhappiness,
don’t be average.

That’s the simple solution.

Single Moms And Building A Business

There is a myth
floating around
that single Moms are busier
than married Moms.

That myth is false.

The opposite is true.
Married Moms have
more housework
and less leisure time
than single Moms.

The average husband
an additional 7 hours
of housework a week
and that’s net
of any housework
the husband has done.

What does this mean?

Single Moms
are more likely
to have time
to start a business
than married Moms.

If you are a single Mom,
use that time
to create the future
YOU wish to have.