What Prospects Say Vs What They Do

I posted a short story
on social media.

Readers claimed to love it,
said I should expand it
into a novel,
promising to buy it
when I did that.

I won’t be expanding
that story.


Because NONE of those readers
have shared the posts
they were supposedly so excited
about reading.

Not one reader.
I had zero social media shares
on that short story.

If readers couldn’t be bothered
to click the share button,
they likely would never
plunk down cash
to buy the story.

People say all types of sh*t.

They claim they never
eat french fries.
They say they always vote.
They tell you to create a product
and they’ll buy it.

Watch what they do.

Do they offer to help fund
that product creation?
Do they post
about going to vote?
When you eat lunch with them,
do they tell the waitstaff
to hold the french fries?

Base your decisions on
what people do,
not what they say.