Small Steps Count

A loved one has started
an exercise program.
He does 10 minutes of walking
every day.

He counts ALL walking.
If he walks to the bathroom,
he counts that as part
of his 10 minutes.

And that’s okay.
Because he is still
doing more walking
than he did
before tracking it.

Small steps count.
They add up.
They still take us
toward our goals.

Complete a small task
for your business startup today.

Decide on a font color.
Talk to someone
in your target market.
Research sources
for supplies.

Do something
to move you closer
to your goals.

Buying Time

A buddy asked me
why I help fund
tree planting.
“Planting trees
won’t stop climate change,”
she said.

And she’s right.
Planting trees, on its own,
WON’T stop climate change.
It won’t offset
the impact of
the big carbon contributors.

But planting trees MIGHT buy us
a bit of time,
perhaps an extra second.

And that second,
make a difference.

Currently, I have a series
that is dying.
Sales are slowly decreasing.

Writing another story in it
won’t stop this death.

What it WILL do
is buy me some time
to think of another series idea.
That new series idea
might capture lingering readers
and attract new readers.

If you haven’t yet found
the next great idea,
consider buying yourself time
to do so
by taking smaller, less innovative steps.