Your Established Customers Don’t Want Innovation

When I had very few established readers,
I wrote whatever the heck
I wanted to write.

There were no expectations
and not many people who would protest
if I wrote something completely new.

Today, I have a healthy readership
and those readers
don’t want completely new stories.
They want stories
that are similar to my past stories.

When I write something completely new,
they punish me with 1 star reviews
and they are less likely
to read my next story.

As Seth Godin

“As you cross the chasm,
the bulk of your new customers
don’t want innovation at all.
They want promises kept,
a lack of surprises
and reasonable prices
and efficiency.”

Once your business
finds its customer base,
it is unlikely
that this customer base
wants extreme innovation.

If you haven’t yet
found that customer base,
enjoy the freedom
to innovate