Something To Lose

A loved one works
for one of the huge
tech companies
currently doing massive lay offs.

He, and others,
have been told
they will no longer
have a job
in one month’s time.

That month, the company states,
is their working notice.
They won’t be receiving
any severance.

It is also the company’s policy
NOT to give references.

What, other than ethics,
is stopping these employees,
the walking dead,
from doing a sh*t job
from sabotaging
the company
for the next month?

They truly have nothing
left to lose.

Once you tell employees
you’ll do nothing more
for them,
you lose all leverage
over them.

That is a REALLY dangerous
and extremely idiotic move.

Severance is given
for the company’s benefit also.

Suck it up and pay severance
or risk losing customers
and perhaps worse.