Humans Lie

Friends and family members
told a new writer
they couldn’t wait
to buy her book.

Her book released.
NONE of them
bought her book.

(She knew this
because she had zero sales
in that region.)

People lie.
They either tell us
what they think
we want to hear
if they’re sh*tty people,
what they think
we don’t want to hear.

Try to base
your decisions
on what people do.

In my friend’s case,
do her friends and family members
already buy books
similar to hers?

If yes,
then they might buy hers.

Actions rarely lie.

Tell Me The Truth

There’s a debate
amongst scientists
about whether or not
they should tell people
the doomtastic truth
regarding what is happening
and what will soon happen.

I want the truth.

If I wanted to hear
placating lies,
I’d talk to a politician.

I reach out to experts
because I want to hear
their informed and honest opinions.

Especially since I plan
to verify those opinions
with my own observations.

We know the climate
and healthcare
and other areas are f*cked.
We have eyes and ears.
We can see that.

Don’t patronize us
with lies.
Tell us the truth.