Not Everyone Will Like Your Idea

I will post a cute photo
of kittens
on social media
and receive comments
complaining that
I didn’t post
a photo of puppies.

Not everyone will like
what you post
or do
or build.

This especially applies
to your new business idea.

Some people won’t like it.
Heck, some people
will hate it.

And the more details you share
about the idea,
the more things people
will find wrong with it.

Hopefully enough people
will like it
to build a viable business
around them.

But some people won’t like it.
And a few people will hate it
with a fiery passion.

Expect that to happen.
Don’t let it stop you.

The US Is Not The World

A writing buddy
launched a marketing campaign
around US football.

Her marketing
was seen by everyone,
not merely Americans.

Which caused confusion
and resulted in bad feelings.

Because US football
is very different
from UK football
(Americans call that sport soccer)
even Canadian football.

And when she explained
she was referring
to US football,
many international readers
felt neglected.

Judging by the responses,
she lost more readers
than she gained
in the US.

Media coverage
might make you believe
the United States
is the most important
target market
on the planet.

It isn’t.

There are only
a little over 332 million people
in the US.
There are over
8 billion people
in the world.

The world is bigger
than the US.

Remember that
when you design websites
and develop products
and create marketing