Decide To Enjoy Things

We’re business builders.
We tend to work
very, very hard.

We should also,
play hard.
The ‘play’ shows us
what we’re working hard for.

When you play,
decide to enjoy that play
to the fullest.

Yes, things won’t go
as you had planned.

As business builders,
we know NOTHING
ever goes
exactly as planned.

But try to enjoy
those misadventures also.
They give us
more interesting stories to tell.

And don’t allow
anyone or anything
decrease that fun.

Get the best return (fun)
on your time investment.

Take Time Off

I’m working today.

December 25th is a HUGE sales day
for Romance Novels.
Many readers are receiving gift cards
for the holidays
and they are seeking to use them.

But I’m working
as few hours as I can.
I hope to spend most of the day
with loved ones.
I want to relax.
I want to dream.
I want to be inspired.

Many businesses are completely closed
Employees and partners
are taking the day off.

Rest is important.

We all need
to re-energize
and we, business builders
to remember
why or whom
we’re working
so hard.

If you can,
take some time off

Lowering Risks

I tested positive
for the first time
for COVID.

I’ve been fairly careful,
wearing high quality masks
anytime I’m with other people
limiting contact,
employing social distancing
as much as possible.

This lowered the risk
of getting COVID
with each contact
but it didn’t eliminate it.

Especially since,
over the past two and a half years,
I have had hundreds,
perhaps thousands of contacts.

Low risk per contact
multiplied by
those thousands of contacts
meant the odds of me
catching COVID
was becoming pretty f*ckin’ high.

My ‘luck’ ran out.

Low risk events
Especially if we
participate in thousands
of them

Plan for that.

And yes, I will continue
taking precautions.
COVID is kicking my a$$
and I’d prefer never to get it again.