Surveys And Focus Groups Aren’t Reliable

Most blood collection organizations
have dropped mask requirements
both for donors
and for volunteers/workers.

The number of blood donors
have decreased.

I’m not surprised.

The people who care enough
about others
to donate blood
are also
likely to be
the people who care enough
about others
to mask.

And they are also likely
to be the people
who align themselves
with organizations
that care about others.

A non-masking organization
doesn’t truly care
about others.

I know this.
You likely know this.

Why didn’t blood collection organizations
know this?

Because, I suspect,
they listened to non-donor feedback
on surveys.

Non-donors wouldn’t share
the true reason they weren’t donating
– most of them
don’t give a sh*t about other people.

They had to give a different excuse.
And the ‘easy’ excuse
for non-donors was
they’d have to wear a mask.

People lie on surveys
and in focus groups.
I’ve seen that happen.

Ask yourself
if the results
are logical.

And use those results

Saying Nothing At All

My recent experience
with MSC cruises
wasn’t good.

They sent me
a follow up survey.

I know my replies
on that survey
will punish the cruise ship crew.

And they had NO control
over the issues
with my cruise.

So I’m not filling out
the survey.

Filling out the survey
won’t solve the issue
and it will harm
innocent people.

Sometimes no answer
IS an answer.

If sales are decreasing
and past customers
aren’t filling out
automatically-sent surveys,
you might wish
to personally follow up
with them.

A Survey Of YOUR People

A climate change scientist
surveyed his followers
and was dismayed
by their lack of awareness
around climate change.

I told him
he SHOULD be dismayed.
Because his followers
are NOT the average person.

His followers
read his posts.
They are much more informed
than the average person.

If some of them believe
myths about climate change,
the average person
those myths.

Your social media followers,
newsletter subscribers,
aren’t the average person.

They are MORE informed
about the issues
you talk about
and the products/services
you sell.

Remember that
when making decisions.