Educating Your Community

I update my readers (customers)
on where I am
with each book,
what I am working on,
the process,
my schedule.

I find doing this
reassures them.
They know the book is coming.

They are also
more invested
in the upcoming book.
They were there
for its ‘birth’,
for every step of the way.
And when it releases,
it feels like THEIR baby.
They want it to be good,
to do well.

Rosario Dawson and Abrima Erwiah,
co-founders of
Studio 189,

“What we have learned to do
is to take time
to explain
and educate our community
about the process of
making clothing
and what goes behind it.
We have found that
the more we share,
the more our customer
actually understands
and becomes more invested
in the community.”

Consider updating and educating
your customers
on your production processes.


I can’t do everything
related to
my Romance Novel business myself.
That’s just not possible.

I delegate tasks
like creating covers
and editing
(quality assurance)
to other people,
people I trust.

This gives me more time
to be creative,
to write,
to work on the next book
(the next product).

Rosario Dawson,
co-founder of
Studio 189,

“You don’t have to be
the expert in everything.
Be specific about your task.
To delegate well is critical.
Make room
so you can be creative,
so you are not always
in the development space.”

Delegate what you can.
Focus on the rest.