If You Invited Someone Who Isn’t Fully Vaxxed

If there are people
who aren’t fully vaxxed
your Holiday dinner,
your conference,
your meeting,
other events,
let all attendees know this.

Many of us
have vulnerable people
in our lives,
people the vaccine
doesn’t fully protect.

If I attend an event,
especially an indoor event
and an event that requires
removing my mask
(i.e. any event involving
food or drink),
and I know there are unvaxxed people
also attending,
I won’t see those vulnerable people
for 10 days after the event.

That requires planning.
Maybe I’ll see
my vulnerable loved ones
the night before the event.
Maybe I’ll arrange for others
to run errands for them.
Maybe I’ll stay at a hotel
for the 10 days.
Maybe I won’t go
to your event.

Let people know
unvaxxed people are attending.

And realize that
if you
include unvaxxed people,
you are
excluding vulnerable people
and people who care for
vulnerable people.

That IS a choice.
Think before making it.

And allow everyone
the courtesy of making
their own informed choices.