When The Backup Plan Fails

My area has
two major internet companies.

A few days ago,
my main internet company
wasn’t operational in my area.

So I tried to switch
to the second internet company.

It wasn’t operational
in my area either.

I continued checking
every couple of hours
but I soon accepted that
I was getting nothing done that day
that required the internet.

I completed offline tasks.

When your backup plan fails,
consider that it might be
a sign from the universe
you should focus on other things.

Complete other tasks
and try again tomorrow.

An Annual Task

the ownerships
of your domain names
aren’t expiring soon.

Don’t count on
being notified.
I rarely receive
those messages.

I make a note on a calendar
to check the statuses
of my domain names
once a year.

I note the renewal dates
and, if those dates
fall within the year,
I renew those domain names.

Check the status
of your domain names.

Predatory companies
are waiting
to grab them.

Don’t allow them to expire.