More Product Releases Aren’t Necessarily Better

Writers are often told
the more books released,
the better.
Build that backlist quickly.
Produce more books.

Some writers then
release 3 books on the same day
they wonder
why their sales aren’t fantastic.

It might seem efficient
to release 3 books (products)
on the same day.
We can group tasks.
We can use the same advertising funds
to promote 3 books instead of merely 1.
We increase the odds
media and readers (prospects) notice the releases.

But we will be
competing with ourselves.
Sales will suffer.

A reader will likely only buy
1 book on that release day.
Choosing between the 3
might be difficult,
too difficult for some readers.
They might not buy a book at all.

Supporters will likely choose
1 book to promote.
I only share 1 social media post
for each friend
per day
to ensure I don’t overwhelm my followers.

And it is a dangerous strategy,
especially in our current always changing world.

Releasing 3 books on 1 day
means there’s only 1 release day,
1 big focus day,
not 3.
If something happens that day,
if the prospect is distracted,
we’ve lost that sale.

Book and product releases
need space and attention
to flourish.
Give each one
its own release day.