Prepare Work For Business Partners Now

The holidays are fast approaching.

it is only September,
you say.

Work backward.

I want to release
a Romance Novel
in February,
as an example.

I need to load it
to booksellers
a month before that.
That takes me
to January.

My editor usually requires
a month to edit a story
(with 3 rounds of edits).
That takes me
to December.

But editors like
to take holidays also.

I can’t expect
independent contractors
or business partners
to work over holidays
like I often do.

Edits will likely take
an extra month.
That takes me to November.

I require around 2 months
to write a story.
I’m at September.

I have to start
writing the story
(preparing work)
for my editor
(for my business partner)

And you likely
need to prepare work
for your business partners/contractors
now also.