Planning For Drought

There is a drought
in Alaska.
Land of ice and snow.

Droughts are happening
all over the world
this will increase
with climate change.

Buildings will have
to be retrofit
to conserve and reuse
That’s a pain in the a$$
to do.

It is much easier
to install water conserving systems
when a building is being constructed.

As business builders,
we might be constructing
warehouses and stores
and other structures
now and in the near future.

Ensure these buildings
conserve as much water
as possible.

Those That Go First

We are rarely truly first.

There is usually a company
that has targeted
the same market
as we are targeting.

There is usually someone
who has tackled
similar challenges
as we’re currently tackling.

There is usually a climate
on this wonderful planet
that is a few years ahead
of what our own climate
will eventually become.

Do your research.

Learn from
those pioneers,
from the people or entities
who before us.

That might make
the difference

Business Building And Energy Consumption

Electricity in my part
of the world
is currently fairly inexpensive.

That will change
as the world heats up.

One of my main businesses
(writing romance novel)
depends on electricity
for production.
I can’t write
or load books to booksellers
without electricity.

(Sales depend on
my target customers
having electricity also
but that is a post
for another day.)

I’m currently looking into
becoming a little more
self sufficient
regarding electricity
(installing solar panels
and battery backups).

Does your business
depend on having
X amounts of energy

Look into having
a backup source
for that energy.

And investigate
whether or not
you can lower
your energy consumption.