Planning For Best Case Scenarios

Over the last couple of day,
I’ve talked about
how we need to plan
best case,
worst case,
most likely scenarios.

I often get pushback
about having to plan for
best case scenarios.

In best case scenarios,
everything is going well.

Many people believe
all we have to do
is sit back
enjoy our success.

Except if we do that,
we won’t have success
to enjoy for very long.

Websites will go down
because we have too much traffic.
Inventory will run out
because we have too much sales.
Baddies will target
our products and our businesses.
The competition will
try to duplicate our success.
Etc. Etc.

We should have a plan
to deal
with all of that.

Plan for success also.

The saying is correct.
Success DOES change us.
Whether we want to change
or not.

A Product Release Is Not A Business Strategy

“I’m going to publish a book.”
“I plan to design a new toy.”
“I will manufacture
a new drink.”

These are all great things to do
but they are NOT business strategies.
They are product releases.

A product release is merely
one small part of
a much larger business strategy.

It is an exciting part.
It is the part
many people like to talk about.
But it is a tactic,
not a strategy.

Tossing products into the market
without having a goal for them,
without having a plan
for everything that comes
after or before a product release,
wastes resources
and is a short cut for disaster.

We need more.
We need a bigger plan,
a strategy,
not just tactics.

A product release
is not a business strategy.