Send Your Newsletter

Send your newsletter.

I know. I know.
You’re busy.
You think you have nothing
to say.
You don’t want to
‘bother’ people.

First, they want
to be ‘bothered.’
That’s why
they signed up
for your newsletter.

You will receive
some unsubscribes.

Those are people
who have changed their minds.
Or maybe they’re going through
some personal sh*t.
Who knows?

But at one time,
in the past,
they wanted your newsletter.

The remaining people
on your list
still want your newsletter.

Give them what they want
and send it.

we’re all busy.

But newsletters
are the best sources
of sales.

And most of us
would be happy
to have a few more sales.

you have plenty to say.

Tell subscribers how other people
are using your product.

Tell them why people
love your product.

Tell them
why you developed it.

Show them a photo
of your dog
and the product.

(Photos of pets
put most customers
in a good mood
and people in good moods
buy stuff.)

You worked hard
to develop
your newsletter subscriber list.

Use it.