Business Credit Cards And Personal Credit Scores

As business owners,
our business finances
and our personal finances
often mix.

And sometimes
we might be tempted
to use our business credit cards
for everything
and get rid of
or not use our personal credit cards.

Do NOT do this.

Our business credit cards
build a credit history
for our business ONLY.
It does NOT build
a credit history
for us as individuals.

If all our credit
is in the business’s name
and we close that business,
all that credit history
is gone.

if we try to get
a personal mortgage
or a personal credit card,
we’ll likely be denied.

Because we’ll have no credit histories as individuals.
We won’t have a credit score
and our credit reports will be blank.

Ensure you have a personal credit card.
And use that credit card
once in a while.

Your future self
will thank you.