Sleeping Our Way To The Top

If you hear someone
say or post
that a woman
(or anyone else
but it is 99% of the time
a woman)
slept her way
to the top,
AVOID that person.

Don’t hire them.
Don’t partner with them.
Definitely don’t
work for them.

They are stating
quite clearly
that if they were
in a power position,
they would expect
to receive
sexual favors
from everyone around them.

That is why
their first theory
on why anyone,
especially a woman,
got ahead
she f*cked the decision makers.

It is a giant red flag.
AVOID that person.

There are plenty of decent people
in this world.
Deal with them.

Taylor Swift, Elon Musk And Sexual Harassment

After Taylor Swift
she was voting
for Kamala Harris
in the US Presidential Election,
Elon Musk
“Fine Taylor …
you win …
I will give you a child
guard your cats with my life”

Many of us
deal with this type of sexual harassment
every d@mn day
and we’re f*ckin’ tired of it.

And it IS sexual harassment.

The person saying it
knows they’re committing verbal violence
against a woman.
The woman targeted
knows it is an act of verbal violence.
The people listening
and saying nothing
know it is an act of verbal violence.

The only people who think
it is a joke
are other sexual harassers.

The goal of the comment
is to dim the woman’s light.
It is to stop the woman’s momentum.
It is to punish her
and to make her think twice
about using her power again.

Often, it is successful.
Which is why
so many men do it.

Don’t allow it to stop you
the women around you.

See it for the tactic
it is.