Year End Review

Every year,
on December 31st,
I review what happened
over the past year.

This year wasn’t my best.
Sales were down.
Production was down.

But that was expected.
We continue to deal
with the pandemic,
are dealing
with intensified climate change.

The big wins are…
the writing business survived
these challenges
most importantly,
I survived these challenges.

Not every year
will be stellar.
Some years,
merely surviving is a huge win.

And that’s okay.
That’s part of building
a business.

The Meeting Place

As you build your business,
you might discover,
as many established businesses
did during the pandemic,
there is no need
to have a permanent office.

Work can be done
just as or more
easily from home.

But as
Seth Godin

“As social creatures,
many people very much need
a place to go,
a community to be part of,
a sense of belonging
and meaning.
But it’s not at all clear
that the 1957 office building
is the best way
to solve those problems.”

A loved one’s company
rents a boardroom
once a week
at a central hotel.
Employees meet there.

Another loved one
holds once a month
team lunches
at a central restaurant.

Meeting face-to-face
CAN BE important.
But those meet ups
don’t have to happen
and they don’t have to happen
at a dreary office building.

Think outside
of the traditional
corporate structure.

Build a business
that works for YOU.