Breakthroughs Bundle

A couple of days ago,
it was announced
that a malaria vaccine
was being rolled out
en masse in Africa.

it was announced
that a COVID-19 vaccine
would soon be rolled out
for children aged 5 to 11.

There is currently a race
to develop
HIV vaccines.

Multiple breakthroughs in niches
tend to happen
over the same short time period.

Sometimes, it is because
there’s media focus on the industry.
We merely find out
about the breakthroughs then.

Sometimes, it is because
there’s investor interest in it.
There’s increased funding
and that funding leads to
important work being done.

Sometimes, it is because
a new development (like mRNA delivery)
makes other breakthroughs possible.

Sometimes, one breakthrough
inspires other breakthroughs.

And sometimes, it is merely a coincidence.

This is one of the many reasons why
we need to stay current
in our niches.
We need to be informed.
Because there will be multiple breakthroughs
over a short time period
and that will significantly change the niche.

Stay current.
Let others inspire you.
Push forward.