Go Outside

I have a book
(a project)
(to be finalized)

I went outside
for five minutes
and watched the bees buzz
and listened to the birds sing.

The Amazon Rainforest is in
its death throes.
The Great Barrier Reef
has been bleached
beyond recovery.
The AMOC is slowing.

Your neighborhood
won’t be immune
to climate change.

Go outside
for at least five minutes.

Look at a tree.
Touch grass.
Feel the sun
on your face.

It will calm
your stressed a$$ down,
allow you to think
more clearly.

And years from now,
when your surroundings
are less…hospitable
to nature,
you will look back
at those five minutes
and be grateful.

Reward Yourself With A Break

Building a business
is a marathon.
It’s not a sprint.

It takes years.
And it takes energy
from us, the business builders.

If you’ve been pushing yourself
to achieve a certain task
and you accomplish
that feat,
you are AWESOME.

Reward yourself
with a short break.

Take a day or two

Power yourself up
to achieve
that next key step.

Reward yourself
with short breaks.