Going Viral Isn’t Always The Solution

I had a social media post
go viral recently.
It received many, MANY thousands
of likes.

I didn’t receive
any new followers
due to that post.
Not one.

didn’t increase
due to it.

I gained no additional satisfaction
from the post
being seen by so many people.

All it did
was suck a lot of my time
as I had to manage the responses.

Going viral isn’t always
the solution
to your marketing woes.

Look into
a variety of possible solutions
and hope
one of those
works for you.

Don’t Pay For Twitter Verification

A year ago,
Twitter Verification,
the blue checkmark
on profiles,
told the world
your business was legit.
It was important.

People battled
to get that blue checkmark.

Now, post EM,
the blue checkmark
tells the world
your account
is a scam account.

Blue checkmarks
are purchased
for a monthly fee.

No one important
will pay
for social media.
They feel
the social media platforms
should pay THEM
but they were willing
to use it for free.

Don’t pay
for a blue checkmark.
Not at this point
in time.