Dealing With Mansplainers

Dealing with mansplaining
is simply part of navigating
the world
for women,
especially for female business builders.

On social media,
I usually block the mansplainer
and move on.
My time is precious
and he’s not my target audience.

One of my buddies,
has developed a hilarious way
of dealing with mansplainers.

She treats them
as she would treat a toddler.

Toddlers often tell adults
these same adults told them
days or hours or seconds previously.
That is how they learn
and retain
new ideas.

We usually listen to these toddlers
and we praise them
for having learned something new.

My friend responses
in a similar way
to mansplainers.

“That’s correct.
You’ve grasped the concept.”

This confuses the mansplainer.
They don’t usually know
how to respond.

And it sends the signal
to the rest of the group
that my friend is the person
in the position of authority.

Learn how to deal
with mansplainers.

Don’t allow them
to derail
your presentations or your pitches.

Giving Advice

Most people don’t want
our advice.

That’s the brutal truth.

But some of us
(points to myself)
feel a responsibility
to share what we know.

There are ways
of doing this
that are less…pushy.

One of the reasons
I started blogging
(first at
Road To Forbes
and now at client k)
is because
I had so much life experience
and knowledge
no one to relay it to.

I put my insights here
where people can find them
if they need that advice.

A loved one
is very much aware
of the climate situation.

He makes jokes about
being a prepper,
a doomer,
preparing for the end
of times.

People laugh.
They tease him.

But they also ask questions.
They are now aware
there IS a situation.

There are a multitude
of ways
to give advice
without forcing it
on unwilling recipients.

Find the way
that works for you.