Send Your Mother’s Day Present Today

Sunday is Mother’s Day
in North America.

I sent my much beloved Mom

Why today?

Because she worries,
as many Moms (biological and/or honorary) do,
that she’ll be forgotten
on Mother’s Day
(even though I have NEVER
forgotten Mother’s Day).

Sending her flowers a few days early
eliminates that worry.
She can relax
and fully enjoy Mother’s Day week.

There is NO downside
to sending presents early.

If you celebrate Mother’s Day,
consider giving your gift

Better Early Than Late

I always send gifts

Early is a wonderful surprise.
My gifts are often the first.
They aren’t competing
with other gifts
for attention.
They’re special.

On time is expected.
It is the norm.
The gift will be
one in the sea of many.
It will be compared
to the others.

Late is often hurtful.
It means the giver forgot.
The gift receiver
is an afterthought.
They assume
at that point
no gift will be given.

This type of thinking
can be applied
to the delivery of your products
or to the completion
of a task
you owe the team.

Deliver early
if that is possible.