Caring About Numbers

The average person
sucks at math
they can’t visualize

If we say
16% of reinfected kids
for example,
people see a low percentage
and think
it isn’t that high.

But if we say
1 in 6 reinfected kids
people will freak
the f*ck out.
Because they CAN
visualize that statistic.
They realize
it’s a HIGH number.

We should remember this
when we promote our products.

If you want people
to visualize the statistic
and to care about it,
don’t use percentages.

Design Your Business For An Ailing Population

Even the WHO has admitted
that 1 in 10 COVID infections
result in long COVID.

On average,
North Americans are catching
COVID 2 times a year.

That means
EVERYONE will have long COVID
in 5 years.

Design your business
around that.

Assume the population
will be ill.

Minimize the number of people
needed to run your business
and to produce your product.

Make your product
easy for an ill person
to use.

Heck, make your marketing
easy for an ill person
to understand.

Prepare yourself
and your business
for this new reality.
It is coming.

Design your business
around an ailing population.

COVID And Our Brains

I had a first bout
in August.

Research relays
COVID changes our brains.

I can attest
that’s true.
My brain is different now.
I see the changes
in my writing.

My writing hasn’t deteriorated
(I think).
My voice, my pacing, my thought processes
have merely changed.

My editor had COVID
in January.
Before COVID,
she excelled at catching
continuity errors.
she doesn’t notice them
unless she puts in extra effort.

A loved one
had COVID in August also.
Before COVID,
he was emotionally tightly wound.
he is extremely mellow.

I’ve compensated
for my brain changes
by adding an extra review
for my books.

My editor compensates
by reading over works
one more time.

My more mellow loved one
has adjusted his schedule
to include more down time.

If you’ve had COVID,
your brain is different,
whether you’ve noticed that difference
or not.

Change your processes
to compensate for that.