Other People’s Garbage

My neighbor rakes his leaves
and sends them
to the city
for composting.

I have expanded my garden
this year
and I know
I won’t have enough leaves
to cover it
over winter.

My soil would greatly benefit
from that natural fertilizer.

So I asked my neighbor
if I could rake
and keep his leaves.

He’s an older man
and was happy
to let me do that.

For me,
leaves are priceless
forms of fertilizer.
I would PAY for them.

For him,
they are a nuisance
and garbage.
He’s giving them away
for FREE.

THIS is the type of business
you ideally want to build
– one where the inputs
are seen as garbage,
as something to be
given away,
but can be turned
into a product
other people will happily pay for.

Look for that type of business.

Care For Unused Assets

I have a big backyard.
I’m not using
most of it.

I also have huge maple trees
that shed their leaves
every fall.

I spread those leaves
over the backyard.


Because scientists tell me
the planet is losing precious top soil
and leaf mulch
(rotting leaves)
protects top soil
and adds to it.

That top soil
will be needed
in the future.
I might as well
take care of it.

You likely have assets
you aren’t using
right now
but might find valuable
to you
in the future.

This could be
a newsletter subscriber list
for a business you no longer run
a contact in a field
you no longer work in
a pair of work boots
you no longer use
for your more office-centric job.

Invest a couple minutes
and care for those assets.
You might need them
in the future.