In Case Of Emergency

If there’s an emergency
in your area
your business
doesn’t have patrons
it must continue to serve
(i.e. it isn’t housing people
or treating people),
close your business
for the day,
pay your employees
for that day
allow them to go home
and be with their loved ones.

If you can’t afford
to do that,
your business isn’t viable.

You are responsible
for your employees
during emergencies.

If they die
or get hurt
on the job,
you could and SHOULD
get sued into the ground.

And the odds they’ll be hurt

Because your employees
aren’t focusing on their jobs
or your business.

They’re worrying about loved ones
and getting home.

And they are resenting
your business
for causing them
additional stress.

That will come back
to bite you in the a$$
in ways you’ll likely
never fully realize.

Don’t be an a$$hat.

Send employees home
during emergencies.

The Will To Believe

I posted yesterday
about my theory
about why leaders and the media
aren’t being honest with us
about events
like COVID.

They’re worried about liability.

So why does the average person
follow their lead?

We know many people around us
are ill.
We know the hospitals are full.
We go to stores
and see cold medicine shelves are bare.

The reality is…
most people are followers.

They don’t want to take
personal responsibility
for their actions
or lack of actions.
That is too much pressure
for them.

So they shift that task
to leaders
and blindly follow them.

They have zero guilt
if things go wrong
because they didn’t make
any decisions.

(But they DID make a decision
– to blindly follow
that leader.)

And, at this point in the pandemic,
admitting COVID is serious
means also admitting
they’ve made deadly mistakes.
They’ve exposed loved ones
to danger,
a danger that might resurface
at any time in the future.

The average person
NEEDS emotionally to think
COVID is mild.
to think their child
or other vulnerable loved one
won’t suffer in the future
from a mistake they’ve already made.

The average person
will continue thinking
COVID is over
or isn’t a danger.

Which means COVID
will cause more harm
and it likely won’t ever end.

Plan for that personally
and for your business.

COVID, Leadership And Liability

You and I know
COVID isn’t over.
We know
it is far more serious
and especially long-term
than most people believe.

So why aren’t
politicians, business leaders,
the media
talking about this?

I believe
it is because
of liability.

If they admit
they know
COVID is serious,
people will want to know
WHEN they knew that.

We’ll uncover
that someone told them
this information
early in 2020.

And then they
will get their a$$es sued off
because millions of people
have died
based on them withholding
and not acting on that knowledge.

ALL of them
will get sued
– politicians, reporters,

Companies didn’t install
better ventilation systems,
for example.
They’ll get sued
for endangering employees.

So everyone is pretending
like they don’t know.
Which means they can’t
relay the seriousness
of the situation.

They’re also telling us
it is our personal responsibility
to keep ourselves safe,
which relieves them
of that duty
and will serve
as one of their defenses
when they do get sued.

This tactic of ‘not knowing’
will be applied
to future pandemics
and likely to climate change

We should prepare for this.

For example,
I listen to experts
who aren’t liable.

Doctors who aren’t politicians
or the heads of hospitals
or other businesses
fall into this category.

I watch for what
is truly happening.
Are hospitals full?
Is everyone around me
Are businesses short staffed?

I make decisions
and take action
on THAT information.

Because leaders
are more concerned
about getting sued
than doing their f*ckin’ jobs.