Last Minute Contributors

We all know people
like this,
like Seth Godin

People who show “up toward the end,
when most of the work
has been done
and it’s almost time to ship…”

They make “a suggestion
that would require changing
a great deal
of what’s been done.
It might even be
a good suggestion
on its face,
but it’s hard to tell…”

F*ck those people.
F*ck them.

The timing is deliberate.
It doesn’t matter
what their excuse for their delay
They delayed giving their input
for a reason.

They don’t truly want us
to take their suggestions.

That’s too much responsibility
and too much work for them.

They’re giving themselves
an ‘out’ if the project
goes wrong.
They can smugly tell you
“I told you so”
while not having to be involved
with implementing their changes,
while not doing any of that work,
because they KNOW
it is too f*ckin’ late
to make their changes.

Ignore last minute contributors
and their suggestions.