The “I’m So Hungry” Test

Before I enter into
a long term partnership
with anyone,
I administer
the “I’m So Hungry” test.

As I’m arranging
an early meeting with them,
I’ll say something like
“Jeepers. I’m so hungry.
I haven’t had time
to eat much today.”

If they bring me food,
any type of food
– a sandwich, a cracker,
a piece of gum,
I’ll consider
partnering with them.

If they don’t bring me anything,
they’re not the partner
for me.

Because it means
they don’t think of others
and they won’t volunteer
to do anything extra.

Feeding people
is the most basic level
of kindness
and generosity.

Ensure you surround yourself
with kind, giving people.

Administer the
“I’m So Hungry” test.

Who To Support

I like a great tax break
as much
as the next business builder.

Tax breaks
help keep my businesses
and healthy.

But for me to enjoy
my businesses being
alive and healthy,
I need to be alive
and relatively healthy.

Staying alive
should be task #1
for all of us.

There are challenging times

And there are some leaders
who seem to care
whether or not
their followers
stay alive
and there are some leaders
who are a bit TOO eager
to sacrifice people.

(And if they are eager
to sacrifice one group of people
now, in the relative good times,
they will sacrifice
just about everyone else
when times get bad.)

Vote or support
the leaders who seem to care
if you live or die.

BE one of those leaders.