Your 2023 Resolutions

We’re almost at that time of year
when we talk with our buddies
about our
2023 resolutions
and we craft some new resolutions
for 2024.

If you’ve reviewed
your 2023 resolutions
and you discovered
you hadn’t completed or kept
any of them,
there’s good news!

There’s still time
to complete them.

2023 isn’t over.
Not yet.
We have over 20 days
left in the year.

That’s definitely
enough time to tackle
or start to tackle
one of your resolutions
for the year.

Make the most of 2023.
Complete a resolution
or goal.

Keep A Diary

A loved one has issues
completing projects.
He told me
he didn’t know why.

So I asked him
to write me a weekly letter,
talking about
his projects
and what he’s done on them.

I reminded him
about these letters
for a year.
I saved each one.

Then I gave them back
to him
and told him to read them.

It was an eye-opener for him.
Habits that didn’t seem
too bad
in the moment
were obviously a big problem
over time.

When I’m trying to make
a change,
I keep a diary on the topic.

Writing down the steps I’ve taken
is powerful.
It ensures I’m doing things

Reading what I’ve done
allows me to see more clearly
errors I repetitively make.
I can then make corrections.

If you want to make a change
in a certain area,
consider keeping a diary
of it.