Have A Cheerleader

We all need a cheerleader.

The world is tough.
We often experience failures.
No projects run
There are speed bumps

And there are also
failure-predicting people

We have plenty of
The world needs
more cheerleaders.

Find someone
who will tell you
again and again
that you’ve got this.
You can do this.
You’re capable and hardworking
and you WILL create
your own good luck.

Turn to that person
when you need a pep talk.
Tell them exactly that
– you need positive vibes.
You need a cheerleader.
You need to hear
you can do this.

Remember to return
the favor.
Be their cheerleader also.

Find yourself a cheerleader.

The Assets You Don’t Realize You Have

One of my friends
sells compost.

She makes the compost
in old pots
on her balcony.

The compost she sells
is derived from
her kitchen scraps
plus the leaves
and grass clippings
she collects
from the apartment
yard maintenance crew.

Yes, she considers
her kitchen scraps
to be valuable assets.

We all have assets
we don’t realize
we have.

It might be the story
haunting your dreams
the sports equipment
in your closet
your Grandma’s salsa recipe
something else.

Consider using what you already have
to start a new business.