The Helpers

I have a group of superfans
who always buy my books
and always help promote
my books.

They consist of
about 1% of my readers.
That’s it
yet that 1% makes
a HUGE difference in my sales.

As Seth Godin

“If 2% of a population
takes coordinated action,
it makes a difference.
If 5% do,
it can change everything.

This simple math
also means that
most people rarely do anything.”

Expect most people
to do nothing.

Celebrate and pander to
the people
who help.

They are rare.
They are special.
Treat them well.

Selling Via Customer Service

I sell books
when I receive an email comment or complaint
about something
regarding my books.

That shouldn’t surprise you.

As Seth Godin
“…the customer who calls you
or shows up at the adjustments window
is fully enrolled.
Unlike just about
every other moment
you’ve had with them,
in this moment,
they are paying attention,
leaning into the situation
and on high alert.”

We’re also having a direct conversation.
The reader (customer) isn’t talking
with Amazon
or another bookseller.
She is talking to me.

I can fix her problem,
listen to her
sneak in a few sentences
about an upcoming book (product) release.

I can direct her
to a book of mine
she might like MORE.

I can give her a free copy
of a first book in a long series.

The options are almost limitless.

This isn’t the hard sell.
This is having a discussion.

Are you selling products/services
when customers contact you
about issues?