The Best Time To Delegate

The best time
to delegate tasks
is BEFORE we need
to delegate tasks.

It is VERY challenging
to delegate tasks
when we are super busy.


Because delegation,
at first,
sucks up more time.
We have to train the person
taking on the task.
We have to quality check
their work.
We have to assure them
they’re doing a great job
and answer their questions.

BEFORE you have to delegate.

Your future self
will thank you.

Delegating And Perfection

I’m extremely busy
right now
so I asked a loved one
to help me
with my holiday shopping.

Did he get
the exact presents
I would have gotten?

But he did d@mn well
and I think our loved ones
will love the gifts.

When you delegate tasks,
they won’t ever
be completed
exactly the way
you would have completed them.

Embrace that.
Accept that.

Then move on.