Ask Questions You Want Answers To

A loved one
is known for
asking questions
she doesn’t want
to hear answers

She does this
all the time,
at least once
per conversation,
and I now
ignore her questions.

I also don’t ask her
any questions
that I care about
receiving valid answers to.

I figure
if she doesn’t listen
to answers to her own questions,
she doesn’t have
the knowledge base
to answer my questions.

MANY people do this.
And it is a terrible habit.
It trains people
to not take your questions

Only ask questions
you want to hear
answers to.

to those answers.

If The Reason For The Question Is Unclear

someone on social media
contacted me
via email
(which can be creepy as hell
on its own)
and asked
what my educational background was.

That’s all they wrote.
They didn’t explain why
they cared.
They didn’t explain
who they were.
They didn’t explain
how they were using
that information.

I don’t plan
to respond to them.

Because I don’t know
why they need that information
how they plan to use it.

And in today’s world,
their reason for asking
that question
is more likely to hurt me
in some way
than to benefit anyone.

If you want answers,
explain why you’re asking the questions
and what you’re using
the information for.

If you’re being asked questions,
be very cautious
about responding
if the askers
aren’t open about how
they’re using your responses.