Donate To Charity/Thrift Shops Now

Yesterday, we talked about
donating extra office supplies
to back to school efforts.

While we’re sorting through
those office supplies,
we could also sort through
the other things
we have in our businesses
and our homes.

Charity/thrift shops
have holiday shoppers also.

They would more appreciate
ahead of that busy season
than at any other time
of the year.

I’m donating gently used toys,
gifts I will never use,
other things.

This is clearing out
my spaces
and it will give some holiday joy
to others.

Donate to thrift/charity shops

Storage IS An Issue

I donate new and gently used goods
to charity shops
in November.

I time it
that way
so the charity shops
have new stock
during their busy holiday seasons
they don’t have to store
those items
for a long time.

Storage is often
an issue.

I’ve shared posts
in the past
recommending business builders
have a backup
for critical machinery and devices.

This only makes sense
if we have storage room
for those machines and devices.

If we have to pay
to store them elsewhere,
it is often more efficient
to not have a backup on hand
and to save those rental fees
for emergency machinery rentals.

Always ask yourself
where you will store an item.