September 11th And The Normalizing Of Death

Mass death
has been normalized
during the pandemic.

Over a million Americans
have died
from COVID directly.

Doctors talk
about the death of the vulnerable
like it is nothing
that should be actively avoided.

It is no longer
a sad occurrence
for many people.
It is the cost
of doing business.

In the past,
I haven’t scheduled promotions
for my books (products)
before noon EST on September 11th
out of respect
for American customers.

This year,
I’m scheduling promotions
that morning.

I doubt I’ll receive
any complaints.

Mass death
has been normalized.

I don’t like that
but it IS reality.

Expectations have changed
and product marketing
should change also.

Grieving Queen Elizabeth II

There has been extensive coverage
on U.S. TV networks
of Queen Elizabeth II’s death.

Why would U.S. viewers
care about the passing
of another country’s queen?

Because the coverage
isn’t about that queen’s death.
It is about the deaths
of our own loved ones.

Grieving a public figure
is less about the public figure
more about collectively grieving
our personal losses.

The public figure
emotionally represents
our lost loved ones.

Few countries, over the past few years,
have lost more people
than the U.S.

Give your employees
and other partners
time to grieve on Monday.
Honor their pain and sorrow.

It has been a tough
few years.
Allow them a moment
to acknowledge that fact
and derive some comfort
from the people around them.

Employees And Team Building Activities

At client k,
we don’t shy away
from the brutal truth
and the brutal truth

many executives
and managers
don’t care
if employees live or die,
as long as sales happen
and work is completed.

That was driven home
to everyone
during the pandemic…
which is STILL happening.

Mask mandates
were dropped quickly,
if they were mandated at all.
Employees are expected
to come to the office
even when they’re ill
and are likely to infect others.
Very little is being done
for the dead and grieving.

The lack of caring
is evident everywhere.

And employees
are understandably bitter.

This is NOT the time
for team building activities,
fake expressions of comradery,

Let time pass
bringing that bullsh*t back.